From the nine times I’ve been to Burning Man, everything you need for the burn is below.

The 10 Principles

Most importantly and before anything, read the The 10 Principles of Burning Man.


Don’t drive. Take The Burner Express Bus (BxB) with the Bike + Water + Extra Luggage Add-ons. The desert (aka playa) has broken more cars down than I can count, leaving people in dire straights. Getting to and from Burning Man (especially with others) is 90% of the overall work/effort/stress unless you TAKE THE BURNER EXPRESS BUS. Among its many benefits, The BxB also skips all lines, saving you up to 10 hours (really) of waiting to get in/out of the playa. Given the BxB’s baggage allowance, you’ll just have to pack minimally - per The List below.


Don’t sleep in a tent. In order of preference, use a ShiftPod Mini > Hexayurt > Campervan (if you insist on driving, contrary to my aforementioned recommendation not to drive). Anything else with its needed additional shade structure is just far too complicated to set up, securely fasten and to regulate the temperature inside of. The BxB has allowed the ShiftPod Mini (80 linear inches) with the purchase of an extra “Bus & Extra Luggage” ticket for each way (regardless of from/to SF/Reno/BRC). The BxB doesn’t allow a Hexayurt, so you’d have to get resourceful to have that brought to the playa for you. My ultimate recommendation is to use a ShiftPod Mini with Aluminet Shade (drops ~10° F) on top and a couple of beach balls squeezed in-between the ShiftPod Mini roof and the Aluminet (drops another ~5° F with extra air space insulation), attached to rope and fixed into the ground with 12” heavy-duty stakes with reflective mylar pieces attached for nighttime visibility. A MightyKool Model K2 Swamp Cooler (drops another ~10° F) transported inside of a collapsible padded bag is critical for the inside, powered by a Jackery 300 for up to seven nights/mornings. This is all for easy, safe and comfortable shelter in the playa’s extreme weather conditions of ~30° F to ~100° F temperature with up to 70 mph wind.

The List

  1. ShiftPod Mini (see Accommodations above)

  2. Aluminet Shade (see Accommodations above)

  3. Beach Balls (see Accommodations above)

  4. Rope (see Accommodations above)

  5. Heavy-duty Stakes (12”) (see Accommodations above)

  6. Reflective Mylar (see Accommodations above)

  7. MightyKool Model K2 Swamp Cooler with collapsible padded bag (see Accommodations above)

  8. Jackery 300 (see Accommodations above)

  9. Comfortable Clothes with many quality Wool Socks (M & W), Wool Bottom Layers (M & W), Wool Top Layers (M & W) and a Wool Beanie

  10. Comfortable Waterproof Closed-toe Shoes (M & W)

  11. Breathable Waterproof Jacket (M & W), Breathable Waterproof Pants (M & W) and Waterproof Shoe Covers

  12. Non-perishable Nutritious Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (e.g. Ben’s Original Rice with Tuna/Chicken/Salmon Creations & Miracle Noodle)

  13. Cooking Pots and Stove with a few Gas Cans to cook/eat food in/from

  14. Snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks and more snacks because you'll just need them

  15. Water Bags to store and carry your water (from the BxB)

  16. Water Bag to store your daily water source on the go

  17. Water Bottle to easily drink your water from

  18. Zero Degree Sleeping Bag of good quality for extreme temperatures

  19. Sleeping Pad for an extra layer of comfort and protection against the playa

  20. Pillow

  21. Eye Mask

  22. Ear Plugs to be able to sleep with the 24/7 noise

  23. Melatonin to help you sleep

  24. Body & Face Sunscreen cause the sun is always glaring

  25. Spray Body Sunscreen cause you'll not always have someone to do your back

  26. SPF Chapstick cause your lips burn too

  27. Breathable Bucket Hat to shade yo dome piece

  28. Sun Scarf to protect yo neck and shoulders from the sun

  29. Polarized Sunglasses

  30. Tinted Googles and Clear Goggles to keep your eyes from cryin' from the dust during the day and night

  31. First Aid Kit

  32. Respirator & Filters to be able to breathe during the day with all the dust

  33. Multi-colored Bandana's to not inhale dust but still match your outfit

  34. Headlamp (rechargeable) to see at night

  35. Mini Flashlight for those many times you're not wearing that dorky and annoying headlamp

  36. Arm/Ankle Lights to not get run over by art cars

  37. Finger Lights to party and as backup lights

  38. Camping Lantern for inside your playa house

  39. Single-Speed Cruiser Bicycle with fat tires for sand (multiple gears with playa dust are troublesome)

  40. Bicycle Basket to carry all your stuff while biking

  41. Bicycle Lock (without a key that you’d lose) to protect your bike from accidentally being ‘borrowed’

  42. Bike Lights and Bike Wheel Lights to steer and to be visible to others (especially art cars) at night

  43. Unique Bike Light Identifier (to identify your parked bike amongst a sea of bikes)

  44. Backup Bike Wheel Light Batteries and Backup Bike Light & Arm/Ankle Light Batteries

  45. Tire Tube as a backup for a flat

  46. Duct Tape cause you can always use duct tape

  47. Trash Bags to keep your trash/MOOP (although the BxB will provide these for you)

  48. Primary Backpack to carry all the survival essentials

  49. Secondary Mini Backpack for impromptu trips

  50. Cup with a Carabiner to receive drinks in

  51. ID printed in color on paper (or your actual ID) as you will get carded for free alcoholic drinks

  52. Baby Wipes for your daily shower

  53. Moist Toilet Wipes to wipe when it's chafed (vs. regular toilet paper)

  54. PH Wipes to prevent Playa Foot (vs. using terrible-smelling vinegar), to counter the extreme alkalinity of the playa

  55. Oxy Pads to clean that dirty face

  56. Hand Sanitizer to keep germ-free

  57. Insect Repellent and/or Mosquito Head Net just in case there are bugs (extremely rare)

  58. Eye Drops to prevent your eyes from getting red from all the dust

  59. Mouth Guards to prevent grinding your teeth

  60. Anti-chafing Balm to prevent those thighs from hating each other

  61. Lotion to keep your hands and body from cracking like the desert

  62. Ear Plugs (invisible) for dat bass

  63. Work Gloves (rubber) for building/take-down and to wash stuff as your hands will already be super dry

  64. Magic Party Gloves to keep your hands warm and to delight others at night

  65. Self-expression outfits and accessories

  66. Your choice of Gift(s) to give to everyone as one of BM's 10 Principles

  67. Memories > Pictures, but if you insist - a digital camera (no phones at the burn!)

  68. Duffle Bag (62” linear)

BxB Luggage holding The List: Primary Backpack with Swamp Cooler & Jackery (carry-on) + Snowboard Bag with Accommodations (check-in) + Duffle Bag with the rest (check-in)